Pool Management Inc is searching for hardworking, dependable and responsible lifeguards. Work in a fun environment with flexible hours and competitive pay. Already certified? Perfect! Not certified? PMI offers lifeguard jobs and Red Cross Certification courses throughout the year.

Lifeguarding is a professionally rewarding experience! You are an important asset to your community, a symbol of safety and good judgement. Acquiring the necessary skills in order to save someone’s life and helping others is extremely rewarding. There are many personal benefits you gain when you become a lifeguard.



Improved self-confidence

Sharpened decision making skills

Improved self-confidence

Improvement in public relations, customer service and conflict resolution skills

Leadership opportunities

Recognize how to efficiently and effectively enforce rules and regulations.

These are just a few personal benefits that PMI recognizes in its current employees.  We believe that one of the most important benefits of lifeguarding is knowing that a dedicated successful lifeguard’s response can save a life!

Find out how you can become one of the best lifeguards around while working at a pool close to your home. Apply lifeguard jobs with PMI today!